
Hi There.

Some people say Iā€™m a living Snapple cap, I like to eat things and make things.

Spicy Cucumber & Avocado Soup

Spicy Cucumber & Avocado Soup

In the depths of summer when the weather gets hot enough that the idea of hot food loses all appeal I find myself craving this dish. It is basically a savory smoothie and takes as little effort as a fruit smoothie would. It is perfect for hot weather because it is no cook, no stove, no oven, no heat. Add some protein with crispy chick peas or lentils for a satisfying meatless Monday meal, or do what I did today and jar it up for lunches all week. Makes 4 12 oz servings.



2 cucumbers

1 very ripe avocado

1 green apple

1 green Serrano pepper

1 cup parsley

2 cups greens (I like arugula or kale)

2 cloves garlic

2 tablespoons olive oil

2 tablespoons vinegar

1/2 cup water

1/2 tsp salt


Make sure all of your ingredients are washed well - this is a raw dish. Peel and chop the cucumbers and apple. Peel and seed the avocado. Cut everything down so that it fits inside the blender. Ignore the pictures here and put the leafy greens on the bottom, putting the heavier cucumbers and apples on top. Add all of the ingredients and blend until very smooth.


Chill until cold, about an hour depending on the size of the containers you store it in. I eat it out of a bowl with a spoon, but you could go all in and drink it like a smoothie too!

Pasta with Eggplant

Pasta with Eggplant

Lentil Salad

Lentil Salad