
Hi There.

Some people say I’m a living Snapple cap, I like to eat things and make things.

Egg Salad

Egg Salad

To be honest, I don’t really like eggs most of the time, but I really like this egg salad. This recipe makes two servings, you could easily add an extra egg for larger servings or double the whole recipe for a bigger batch. Egg salad is obviously very flexible. This tastes to me just like a deviled egg, it’s creamy, smokey, and tangy.

If you don’t have dilly beans (pickled green beans) you can use celery or regular pickles - you just want something crunchy and ideally tangy to cut through the rich creaminess.



5 eggs

1/4 cup mayo

5 dilly beans chopped (about two generous tablespoons)

One green onion chopped

Salt (I use 1/8 tsp)

Pepper (to taste)

1/2 tsp of smoked paprika


Start by boiling the eggs. If you have a preferred method, do that, I bring water to a rapid boil and then lower in the fridge cold eggs. After 9 minutes I pull them out and then cover them in very cold water.


While the eggs boil, measure the mayo and add it along with the chopped dilly beans and chopped green onion to a bowl. Season with the paprika, salt and pepper.


Peel the boiled eggs and slice them in half, adding them to the bowl. Mash with a fork until the yolks blend with the other ingredients and the whites are in whatever size chunks you like to eat! I like a little bit of chunkiness, but still a spreadable consistency I can use to make a sandwich.

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