
Hi There.

Some people say I’m a living Snapple cap, I like to eat things and make things.

Farro and Goldenberry Salad

Farro and Goldenberry Salad

There is a lunch spot in NYC called Digg Inn that has a farro and kumquat mix that I really enjoy and I set out to recreate that here - however I got a bit sidetracked. This salad would work with kumquats or even just orange segments, but I couldn’t find kumquats at the store. While looking for them I ended up seeing goldenberries (which I had never heard of or tasted) and was intrigued - that combined with an excess of scallions from a CSA box lead to this salad. I made it for dinner and had planned to cook other things, but we ended up just devouring this until we were stuffed. It makes dinner for 2, or I imagine a side for four +. The berries themselves are a bit sweet and a lot tangy relatives of tomatoes and tomatillos.



1 cup farro (dry)

5 whole scallions

7 oz goldenberries

1/4 cup orange juice

2 Tblsp balsamic vinegar

2 Tblsp extra virgin olive oil

1/2 tsp salt

pepper to taste


Rinse the farro well, then place it in a saucepan with 3 cups water and a hearty teaspoon of salt. Bring it to a boil on high, then turn it down to a simmer for 20 ish minutes, until tender but not mushy. There should still be a bit of tooth to the grain.


Mix the orange juice, vinegar, olive oil, salt, and a few grates of fresh ground pepper in a bowl. Trim the roots off the scallions and slice both the green and white bits fairly thinly. Halve the goldenberries. Add the still warm farro, scallions, and goldenberries to a bowl. Toss in the vinaigrette. All done! Delicious right away, and perfect for lunch the next day, this hearty salad couldn’t be simpler.

Henry McKenna Single Barrel

Henry McKenna Single Barrel

Distillery 291 Bad Guy Colorado Bourbon Whiskey

Distillery 291 Bad Guy Colorado Bourbon Whiskey